Monday, 3 December 2012

Tea time and scenery

Bit more progress since lunch, left hand side has joined in and nearly all the structures are glued down. I've also added some detail plant life and so on. Wish I had more time but it is my own fault that I left it all till the last moment... story of my life.

I even had a minute or two to do some testing. Just as well I did as the platform was too close to the track and running boards of coaches and some buffer beams clouted it.

The big brown wall still needs some more work on the paint and the front edge needs some black emulsion and a bit of something to seal the open end of the bridge but it is close enough to ready.

I'll leave it all to set for a couple of days and then try to separate the 2 boards and see what damage that does and whether it joins back up again. Fingers crossed. Loco cleaning time and packing some rolling stock  for the exhibition then.

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