Despite the continuing pain in the... well let's call it the lower back, I have finished off the delightful Chris Ward snow plough. Here it is coupled up to the other one which I bashed onto a ROCO tender.
As the Isle of Stoner has only very occasionally seen snow these really are luxuries which could well be done without; Lord Stoner is prone to bizarre late night ideas usually after rather too much port and cheese. They have obviously never seen active service as both have very impractical headlamps at the top of their blades, they would get knocked straight off!
I found this picture on the camera memory card and thought I'd put it on here in lieu of anything more recent.
Syd is about to depart with a short goods train and someone has obviously been up on the crane gantry with a tin of primer as the dolly is ready for a top coat by the looks of it.
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