Saturday, 31 October 2015

Demolition and construction

Work has continued on the extension of Underhill.

Cheese factory removed and the track cut back

 PECO setratck curve making the change of direction.

Both ends of the original layout are now cleaned up and prepared for track laying. The first woodwork for the track bed on the new section is glued down. The depth of track bed now need another piece of 6mm MDF and then a 2mm track bed as the final 'ballast'. Once that is done it will be time to complete the track laying.

 I've decided that to keep things interesting operationally there will be a halt towards the Underhill end which I've built this evening. It has a hint of the original Dduallt station building but is in no way a model of it.

 I've made a bit of a boo boo in that I've sealed the room with a door so I can't glaze it but I'll find a way round that later, it's in the garage having been given a waft of primer.

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