Saturday 7 January 2023

Another Hunslet and that

 Christmas was rather a modelling hiatus so thankfully all that jollity has been packed away and the lap tray has been restored to the lap.

'Nadine' above and 'Veronica' below are both now complete and attached to their chassis. 'Veronica' is next to have her crew painted and installed.

Another marvellous Fourdees print has had some attention including a bit of a rub down here and there and the replacement of the printed couplings with brass ones. I also managed to break the printed smokebox door handles so replaced them with a brass one I had in the box of bits. It had a trip to the ultrasonic bath this evening to remove any loose smoothing bits and hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get some primer on it.

'Alice' my Bachmann quarry Hunslet is now detailed, weathered and has mini me at the controls.

The weathering is just a light coat of a black wash with a little bit of rust added here and there. I added some real coal to this one and the two locos mentioned above.

'Charles' has also joined the fleet. It was a thank you gift from Bachmann for which I'm very grateful. In my usual way I've changed the couplings and added a few details like the bucket on the buffer beam; strictly speaking it should have a lid but I can live with it. I made some fire irons too, the loco has prominent brackets to hold them so they seemed obvious things to add. It is a beautiful model and I don't intend to do much else except add a crew.

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