Sunday 7 August 2011

Exhibition all over

Had a fun day at the exhibition, I was next to Loch Ewe Harbour so it was good to chat 009 with the great and the good.

The layout behaved itself pretty much... well the old bit did, I had a variety of problems which limited the usefulness of the extension but nothing which a few minutes with the soldering iron and some quiet contemplation shouldn't sort out.

This is StRuth next to the Corris Railway stand. Many thanks to Paul Towers and his team of tea ladies who keep the wheels of industry turning with tea and cakes.

The layout is still in the car as I didn't have the energy last night or the time this morning to take it out. I will put it back in its space and give it some time to settle down before I get back to it.

I bought three of the 009 society exclusive kits for the WHR/FR Hudson open coaches which on brief inspection look very nice so I dare say they will be next on the workbench... and then there is Smallchurch... and Port Lucy and loads of kits in my drawer... RT models new Peckett 0-6-0 on its way...

StRuth in action complete with lighting rig and map and explanation.

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