Wednesday 16 November 2022

Building some buildings

 Well, I said I'd carry on updating this so here comes the next splurge. The next section goes here covering the area of the fiddle yard and the toolbox on the left. I've started gathering timber to start the baseboard but I'm still a bit in two minds how to approach this as the track plan will be reasonably complex. 

The basic shape of the new bit will be town at the back then railway and harbour at the front, to that end I've started assembling the buildings, I want to achieve that jumbled and unplanned look which real places have. It's tricky to plan the unplanned. These are the complete buildings, some have been in store since StRuth was dismantled and some are new.

I've also started construction of some new structures like this signal box and water tower.

The signal box is a laser cut kit designed to be a ground level structure but I've given it a brick plinth to stand on and have added a fully featured interior and will install interior lighting.

Here it is with a roof. The tiles are from Scale Model scenery and are laser cut. A first for me and I'm very impressed with the ease of making realistic slate roofs.

The other new build is an engine shed, I already had the left hand corrugated iron part from previous layouts but the right hand part is new. It is a laser cut mdf kit from Fair Price Models as used previously. I've now got a small stash of their kits to add to the town too. The roof is laser cut tiles again.

 Inside the new shed I've finally found a place for these rather nice 3d printed machine tools, again interior lighting will hopefully make them more visible.

On another subject and on the other layout I've had a visit from the new Bachmann Hunslets, Blanche and Britomart. Both are lovely models and I'm looking forward to adding a Linda and a cabless quarry loco as and when they appear. Rewind a few years and these would have seemed like science fiction and yet here they are.

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